A New Analysis of Chronology and Geography, History and Prophecy
A New Analysis of Chronology and Geography, History and Prophecy
1830 AD
"The children of Aram planted the fertile country north of Babylonia, called Aram Naharaim, or ‘Aram between the two rivers,’ the Euphrates and Tigris, thence called by the Greeks, Mesopotamia, Gen. xxiv. 10: and Padan Aram, the level country of Aram, Gen. xxv. 20. This country of Aram is frequently rendered Syria in Scripture; Judges x. 6; Hosea xii. 12, &c.; which is not to be confounded with Palestine Syria; into which they afterwards spread themselves, still retaining their original name, of Ἀράμοι, or Arameans, noticed by Homer, Il. ii. 783."
Here it is written that the Arameans were from Mesopotamia, that is Aram Naharaim. It also states that Aram is synonymous with Syria in Scripture. Furthermore, it mentions that when the Arameans spread to Palestine Syria, they retained their original name.
A New Analysis of Chronology and Geography, History and Prophecy: In Which Their Elements Are Explained, Harmonized, and Vindicated Upon Scriptural and Scientific Principles by William Hales, p. 356 & 357